
Inhaling medical cannabis remains a highly favored method among users, largely because of the rapid onset of effects that can be finely adjusted by the user through small, easily managed doses. This quick action is particularly beneficial for addressing sudden symptoms, making inhalation an ideal choice for immediate relief. While vape cartridges and concentrates are on the rise, many users still prefer using the actual cannabis flower.
Combustion Method

The traditional method of smoking cannabis, by burning it and inhaling the resulting smoke, is the most prevalent form of inhalation. It’s a straightforward method that doesn’t require expensive equipment. However, smoking cannabis comes with downsides that can diminish its appeal. It’s far from discreet, given the noticeable smoke and odor it produces. Additionally, the combustion process is inefficient, losing up to 70% of the cannabinoids and terpenes. Smoke inhalation can irritate the respiratory system, triggering coughing, which is particularly problematic for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD. For these individuals, vapor from cartridges and concentrates may also pose issues. Thankfully, there’s an alternative method available.

Dry Herb Vaporization Method

Dry Herb Vaporization (DHV) presents a different approach by heating cannabis flowers without burning them. This process releases cannabinoids and terpenes in a vapor form without combustion, thus avoiding the creation of smoke. DHV offers all the advantages of inhaling the cannabis flower, but does so more efficiently and discreetly, and is gentler on the respiratory system.

DHV devices are electronic and contain an oven chamber where the cannabis flower is heated to a precise temperature that vaporizes the active ingredients without igniting the plant material. Despite the higher initial cost, the need for battery power or an electrical source, and the requirement for periodic maintenance and a learning curve, DHV systems represent a viable and improved inhalation method.

Final Thoughts

Individuals who prefer or need to use inhalation as their method of cannabis administration should consider the DHV approach. It’s more efficient, discreet, and less likely to cause respiratory irritation or coughing. Those who have had issues with traditional smoking methods, particularly due to respiratory discomfort, might find relief in using a DHV device with a high-pinene strain to help ease breathing.